Blade Free LASIK
Who is a candidate for LASIK surgery?
- Patient must be 18 years old
- Glasses and contact lens prescription must be stable for at least one year
- No significant health/anatomical issues with the cornea, especially herpetic keratitis or keratoconus
- No significant issues with lid anatomy, closure, blinking, etc.
- No signs of cataract
- No diagnosis or concerns about glaucoma
- Refractive range of approximately +5.00 D to -12.00 D sphere and less than 5 diopters of astigmatism
How do I get started having LASIK?
- Call and make appointment for free evaluation and consultation about the possibility of surgery with Dr. Cross and staff. Both eyes can be set for distance or”monovision” which allows the patient to see distance and near at some time without glasses. At Cross Eye Centers we often provide our possible surgical patients with no-cost trial contact lens to help determine if monovision is a consideration if the patient is unsure of their final decision. If you are given this evaluation, please note if the near distance is correct for your activities (or do you need to see nearer or farther).
- If you decide to have surgery, we will want to recheck your refraction another time, usually the morning of your surgery. If you are a soft contact lens wearer, please stay out of contacts for three days before your final refraction and surgery.
- Hard contact lens wearers may need to be out of their lens for as long as 3 months until consecutive refractions are stable
Dry Eyes and LASIK Surgery
Moderate to severe chronic dry eye disease (CDEDx) is and can be a major problem delaying LASIK surgery because preoperative-refractions may not be correct and the corneal flap may not heal well enough to be satisfactory vision.
Treatment preoperatively usually includes antibiotic/steroid drops, ointment bedtime, lid scrubs, artificial tears, changing facial soaps to antibiotic soaps at least 3 times a week, oral Omega-3, and frequently, Restasis (Cyclosporine ophthalmic emulsion 0.05%) drops prior to surgery. Once the corneal surface has improved, surgery may proceed. These treatments usually have to be continued following surgery for several months to years.

How is LASIK done? What can I expect?
- Cross Eye Centers uses only the newest, fastest laser technologies
- Patient gets final refraction at the Bellaire office before surgery
- Patient arrives at LASER VISION CENTER and you will sign appropriate surgical releases
- Most patients are given a mild oral sedative pill
- If LASIK is your procedure, the first step is to create a thin flap in the outer layer of the cornea. This is achieved painlessly using the advanced computer-guided method using the Alcon WaveLight FS Femtosecond laser which makes a painless flap in about 18 seconds with an accuracy of +/- 3 microns (about 1/17 of a hair thickness).
- You then are moved to another laser that after the flap is lifted painlessly invisibly flattens or steepens the cornea to correct the vision
- The flap is then refloated back into position, a bandage soft contact lens is placed on the cornea to help protect it from trauma from blinking, dryness or rubbing.
- The cornea is rechecked by Dr. Cross under another slit lamp to be certain the flap is perfect
- Post-operative drops and activities and follow up appointment is given and patient is ok to return to home or work.
- Patients should plan to have someone else drive them back home or to work.
- Plan to be seen the next day or two to check the flap and remove the contact lens
- Plan to sleep with goggles or shields while napping or sleeping for a week
- No swimming with the face in the water for about three weeks
- LASIK is very stable and very rarely ever needs to be touched up -lasting 20 years so far.
PRK or Advanced Corneal Ablation
This refractive technique does not require that a surface flap be made prior to correcting the power of the cornea. Hence, only a quick, painless, treatment lasting only seconds is needed by one laser to correct your vision.
This technique is chosen when high amounts of corneal tissue are needed to be removed or patient life style includes possible trauma to the eye as in combat fighting, water skiing, parachute jumping, etc.
A bandage soft contact lens is placed on the cornea after the painless laser refractive procedure is done. This contact is usually left in place for about 5 days.
Antibiotic drops and artificial tears are used following surgery and will be explained to you following surgery.
Careful attention to dry eye conditions is important because if eye surface is too dry, excessive corneal hazing may occur which decreases vision and increases glare